The CL2 CC facility is available for use on a membership basis. To become a member and access the facility, please follow our step-by-step guide below:
Principal Investigator
STEP ONE: (click to view instructions)
Request membership by emailing the Facility Permit Holder, Professor Haissi Cui (haissi.cui@utoronto.ca)
- Subject Line: Request: DB440 Membership
Obtain or update your Containment Level 2 (CL2) Biosafety permit.
- If you have a CL2 Biosafety permit, you need to submit an amendment to include the facility (DB440) as a site of work with Risk Group 2 biological agents (RG2), and any other significant changes (ie. additional biological materials, lab personnel who will work in DB440 etc.)
- Please email the amendment(s) below to U of T's Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) (ehs.biosafety@utoronto.ca)
- For more information about amendments, please refer to the EHS website
Ensure lab personnel take all relevant training (DB440 Onboarding Mandatory Safety Training and the Lash Miller onboarding safety training).
Email your lab personnel's names and their start & end dates BEFORE their expected start date to chem.keys@utoronto.ca.
- Subject line: DB440: Names and Dates of the Lab Personnel
Ensure your lab personnel read the DB440 Governance document, and sign and submit the lab personnel memorandum of understanding (MOU).
Visit the Rates page for more information about membership & fees.
NOTE: Lab personnel can only access DB440 once they have completed training, signed and submitted the DB440-Governance MOU, and their PI has paid all of the required fees.
Laboratory Personnel
STEP ONE: (click to view instructions)
If your supervisor is an approved member, please email the following to the Facility Permit Holder, Professor Haissi Cui (haissi.cui@utoronto.ca):
- Subject Line: DB440 Laboratory Personnel Experimental Plans
- CC: Supervisor's email
- Body: Briefly discuss your planned experiments
- Note: You must update Professor Cui if you plan experiments with biological agents that are not previously approved (ex. bacteria or viruses that are not yet used in DB440).
If you are new to the Department of Chemistry, please complete the Lash Miller onboarding safety training.
Complete the DB440 Onboarding Mandatory Safety Training (EHS & DB440-Site Specific Training):
- Register for the following courses at My EHS Training:
- Mandatory:
- EHS601: Laboratory Biosafety Training or EHS602: Biosafety Refresher
- EHS630: Safe Use of Biological Safety Cabinets
- Optional (Based on Lab-Specific activities)
- EHS603: Blood Borne Pathogens
- EHS620: SARS-C0V-2 Biosafety Training Course
- Mandatory:
- Email the Facility Manager, Logan Zettle (chem.dbfacility@utoronto.ca), to schedule your DB440-Site Specific Training.
- Subject line: Scheduling DB440-Site Specific Training
Read the DB440 Governance document and sign the lab personnel MOU.
Email the following documents to chem.keys@utoronto.ca:
- Proof of training (the DB440 Onboarding Mandatory Safety Training form & the DB440-Site Specific Training form)
- Lab personnel MOU
- Subject line: DB440 Proof of Training + Signed Lab Personnel MOU
Follow the Key Pickup SOP.
Once you become a user, you will be added to a Slack to coordinate communication and announcements.
Note: Please ensure that your supervisor is an approved member. Lab personnel can only access this facility if their supervisor requests it. For more information, please see the Principal Investigator section.